Unlock 6 additional bots with Tempo Premium


<new_volume: integer>
Set the audio player volume from 1 to 1000.
Aliases: >vol , >v
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Pause/resume the audio player.
Aliases: >tp , >pause , >resume , >res
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Summon the bot to a voice channel.
Aliases: >join , >connect
Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak
User Permissions:
Stop playing and leave the voice channel emptying the song queue.
Aliases: >disconnect , >dc , >leave , >goaway
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
[skip_amount: integer]
Vote-skip the currently playing song, or force-skip as DJ.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Shuffle the music queue.
Aliases: >mix
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Configure Tempo's settings.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions: Embed Links
User Permissions: Manage Server
<time: string>
Seek to a specific time in a song. Not available for live-streams.
Aliases: >goto , >jump , >jumpto
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Example: >seek 1m30 //h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds, goto 2:45
Restart the currently playing track if there is one, this is also the same as doing seek 0.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Remove a song requested by a Member or by its track ID from the queue.
Aliases: >rm
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Example: >remove index 5 //remove the song at position 5 in the queue command, remove member @samuel.jd //remove all songs requested by @samuel.jd
[page: integer]
List every song that's waiting to be played along with the requester of that song.
Aliases: >q
Bot Permissions: Embed Links
User Permissions:
Create a new slash preset.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions: Manage Server
<query: string>
Add a song either from a URL or search, to the top of the queue.
Aliases: >pnext , >playtop , >ptop , >playfirst , >pfirst , >pn
Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak
User Permissions:
<file: attachment>
Play a song from an attachment.
Aliases: >pf , >pfile
Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak
User Permissions:
<query: string>
Play a song either from a URL or search.
Aliases: >p
Bot Permissions: Connect , Speak
User Permissions:
View the currently playing song.
Aliases: >np , >playing
Bot Permissions: Embed Links
User Permissions:
<from: integer> <to: integer>
Move a song from one position to another, you can get from/to using the queue command.
Aliases: >mv , >swap
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Example: >move 8 4 //swap track 8 with track 4, move 1 3 //swap track 1 with track 3
Find lyrics for the current song.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions: Embed Links
User Permissions:
Toggle single tracks or queue looping.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
View bot help.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions: Embed Links
User Permissions:
Rotate voice regions between US East & US West, this usually resolves any voice-related glitching.
Aliases: >fvc
Bot Permissions: Connect
User Permissions:
View and configure available audio filters
Aliases: >filter , >filters , >fx
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Example: >effects bass off, fx nightcore, filters speed 3.5
View debug information about the current guild and audio player
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Clear the music queue, does not stop the current song if there is one.
Aliases: >
Bot Permissions:
User Permissions:
Create your own custom playlist that you can curate and share with others.
Aliases: >plist , >pl
Bot Permissions: Embed Links
User Permissions:
Example: >playlist create Awesomeness, playlist add https://open.spotify.com/track/0WtDGnWL2KrMCk0mI1Gpwz //All Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer & SoundCloud links will work here, playlist add Elton John Finish Line //opens a search menu, playlist mode Awesomeness Viewer //people who join this playlist will only be able to read its contents, not modify, playlist collab @samuel.jd Collaborator //add samuel.jd as a collaborator instead of a Viewer, playlist collab @samuel.jd Viewer //change samuel.jd's role to Viewer instead, playlist join AAAAAAAA //join playlists using a code if they're set to Public or Viewer mode, playlist load Awesomeness